Clients walk through the doors of Phoenix Rising Acupuncture for various reasons, whether searching for much needed pain relief or weight loss or stress management. More and more people are seeking care outside of conventional western medicine.
So, what brings you here? Many people these days are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. You may have tried everything that conventional medicine has to offer, but you still feel lousy and desperate for relief. Perhaps you prefer a natural, more holistic healing method while avoiding potentially harmful side effects associated with traditional medicine. Or, you actually feel great and would really love that feeling to continue.
Regardless of where you are on your healing journey, acupuncture can be effective and beneficial, and acupuncture often shines where traditional treatments do not. It is especially effective for chronic illness and symptoms when doctors have difficulty making a clear diagnosis.
Acupuncture is also an effective tool to maintain health. Even for the healthiest, an acupuncture treatment is suggested at least 4 times per year at the changing of the seasons in order to effectively boost the immune system, calm the nervous system, and regulate hormones.
The 5 Benefits of Acupuncture (that May Surprise You)…
Reduces Inflammation. Oh, this is a big one, since all chronic disease is caused by inflammation, either in an organ or systemically. When inflammation is reduced, your body can heal naturally. Think of acupuncture as a holistic steroid, which signals your own body’s anti-inflammatory response.
Can Eliminate Allergies & Food Sensitivities. Phoenix Rising Acupuncture is one of the few acupuncture clinics in Houston to offer NAET® (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique), which was discovered by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad in November of 1983. NAET is a non-invasive, drug free, natural solution to alleviate allergies of all types and intensities using a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures from acupuncture/acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, nutritional, and kinesiological disciplines of medicine. One allergen is treated at a time. If you are not severely immune deficient, you may need just one treatment to desensitize one allergen. A person with mild to moderate amount of allergies may take about 15-20 office visits to desensitize 15-20 food and environmental allergens.
Regulates Hormones. Many women struggle with PMS symptoms, such as cramping, mood swings, breast swelling and tenderness, headaches and migraines, and bloating. Acupuncture regulates hormones, and within a few months of regular acupuncture treatments, cycles regulate and PMS symptoms diminish and disappear. This is true for menopausal symptoms as well, such as insomnia, irritability, and hot flashes too.
Calms the Nervous System. Calming the nervous system reduces stress, improves mental clarity, and aids in deep and peaceful sleep. The importance of calming the nervous system cannot be stressed enough. When your nervous system gets locked in the sympathetic state (tense), then your body is unable to heal and restore. With each acupuncture session, your nervous system is switched to the parasympathetic state (calm) where your body can rest, digest, and restore. Can’t chill out? Then your body is unable to heal itself. Try acupuncture for your weekly dose of calm.
Creates healthy blood flow to organs, muscles, and skin. Check out the short video to see how acupuncture works.
Want to learn more about acupuncture? Check out the most commonly asked questions about acupuncture.
Interested in acupuncture at Phoenix Rising Acupuncture? Schedule your appointment here. While the foundation of my training lies in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, I have advanced training in more specialized forms of acupuncture.
Esoteric Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture (Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture)
NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique)
Trigger Point (Dry Needling) & Motor Point Therapy
Tan’s Balance Method
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