NAET, which stands for Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques, is a holistic approach to allergy treatment. It was developed by Dr. Devi Nambudripad, a chiropractor and acupuncturist who suffered from severe allergies and developed this method to heal herself. NAET is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, kinesiology, and nutrition. Dr. Lori Earley is a certified NAET practitioner who specializes in chronic health conditions, including allergies, eczema, and autoimmune diseases.
The concept behind NAET is that allergies are caused by an imbalance in the body’s energy system. When the immune system is exposed to an allergen, it creates a reaction that can cause a wide range of symptoms, such as hives, itching, swelling, sneezing, and more. The goal of NAET is to re-balance the energy system and eliminate the allergic response.
The NAET treatment process starts with an evaluation of the patient’s medical history and allergy symptoms. The practitioner then uses muscle testing or kinesiology to determine which allergens are causing the patient’s reaction. Once the allergens are identified, the practitioner will perform a series of acupressure treatments on specific points on the patient’s body while the patient is in contact with the allergen. These acupressure treatments are designed to re-balance the patient’s energy system and desensitize the body to the allergen.
The acupressure treatments used in NAET are based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. Each treatment involves stimulating specific acupressure points on the body while the patient is in contact with the allergen. The pressure applied to the acupressure points helps to stimulate the body’s energy flow and re-balance the patient’s energy system.
After the acupressure treatments are complete, the patient must avoid contact with the allergen for 25 hours. This allows the body to fully process the treatment and eliminate the allergic response. The patient may need additional treatments for other allergens, and the treatment process can take several months to complete.
NAET has been used to treat a wide range of allergies, including food allergies, environmental allergies, and chemical sensitivities. It is also used to treat other conditions, such as autoimmune disorders, digestive problems, and chronic pain. However, there is limited scientific research on the effectiveness of NAET, and it is considered a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatment.
There are some potential risks associated with NAET, such as the possibility of an allergic reaction during treatment. It is important to discuss any potential risks with a certified NAET practitioner before starting NAET treatment.
In conclusion, NAET is a holistic approach to allergy treatment that is based on traditional Chinese medicine principles. It involves a series of acupressure treatments designed to re-balance the patient’s energy system and eliminate the allergic response. Dr. Earley is currently accepting new patients at Phoenix Rising in Houston. She only accepts patients over the age of 12.
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