In a healing session, the client will lie on a treatment table fully clothed or covered unless another holistic therapy is being incorporated such as Acupuncture or massage. The Reiki practitioner will place their hands on the client or just above them to pass the healing energy on to them from head to toe. The practitioner will spend more time on a specific area of the client’s body if a certain concern needs to be addressed. The intention for each client is to guide the mind, body, spirit, soul, and ego into a more tranquil and harmonious state. Hospitals around the U.S. such as The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and Mayo Clinic have incorporated Reiki into their integrative medicine programs to provide their patients a more holistic approach to healing.2,3 Reiki treatment can be performed for anyone at any age. Practitioners of Reiki do not diagnose or claim to cure diseases, and it is always recommended that clients see a medical physician to be diagnosed.
“What Is Reiki?” Reiki Energy-What Is It?-How Does It Heal?,
“Reiki and USA’s Top 3 Cancer Hospitals”,
“ Reiki Really Works: A Groundbreaking Scientific Study”,
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